Annotated slides

Lecture slides and video links #

As the course progressed, I uploaded lecture slides, the live code examples, and added links to the videos (accessible with a Durham account).

  • 2021-01-12: Annotated slides, video, code

    We got about halfway through the slides, we’ll pick up where we left off next time.

  • 2021-01-14: Annotated slides, video, code

    We went through the remainder of the slides from Tuesday. I skipped over the dark blue slides introducing Haskell syntax since we saw that in the coding examples as well. We covered most of the stuff in the second set of slides. I’ll go back over the currying business next time. We tried to emphasise the importance of types and showed that Haskell is quite strict. For a fun take on the importance of type safety, spend five minutes watching Gary Bernhardt’s WAT talk.

    Some of you may have noticed that my definition of xor was not particularly succint. I guess I didn’t manage it in live conditions! In Python we could have written

    def xor(a, b):
        return a != b

    In Haskell, != is written as /=, and I could have written

    xor :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
    xor x y = x /= y

    Except that I had defined a new data type for Bool (for expository purposes) and we haven’t defined equality on it yet.

  • 2021-01-19: Annotated slides, video, code

    We started introducing the concept of functions that might fail, and the Maybe datatype. We looked a little bit at polymorphism, and I touched on constraining polymorphic functions (more next time!), when we considered

    chopPrefix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]

    Much more to come!

  • 2021-01-21: Annotated slides, video, code

    We revisited the chopPrefix example and looked at a little bit of theory for different types of polymorphism. The wikipedia page has a nice overview as usual. The classic work on subtyping is from Barbara Liskov from 1987. The method that Haskell uses for constrained (ad-hoc) polymorphism based on type classes was introduced by Phil Wadler and Stephen Blott in How to make ad-hoc polymorphism less ad hoc. Here’s a video of Simon Peyton Jones giving an introductory talk on type classes and their implementation in GHC.

    We introduced some example type classes and how we implement them for our own types.

    The “Lecture 4” slides are unannotated (so what is on DUO is fine) but they are also available here.

  • 2021-01-26: Annotated slides, video, code

    We finished off writing some functions on our own list type, and saw two ways of writing reversal of a list, one slow and one fast. To understand the fast approach, I talked a little bit about tail recursion, and how you can write “loopy” code in a recursive language.

    I then discussed a step-by-step approach to writing recursive functions. We then got a bit side-tracked talking about what it means to drop a negative number of entries from a list, and I showed a way to enforce that dropping values from a list can only take positive integers. This way the type system enforces correctness. It’s rather ugly to do this, so I added a few notes and pointers to what people are doing around Haskell with dependent and refinement types, which provide more sophisticated approaches to type safety.

    We didn’t make it as far as the “maps and folds” section of the slides so we’ll do that next time.

    I added some commented solutions for the first two exercise pages.

  • 2021-01-28: Annotated slides, video, code

    I didn’t go through a lot of slides this time and mostly did the code (which is annotated). We looked at some list comprehensions, which are very similar to those available in Python.

    I also showed “parallel” list comprehensions which run multiple generators in parallel.

    We then talked a bit about higher order functions (of which map is an example), and I said a little bit about why these patterns are useful in library design. They give us a common interface with a contract behind which we can hide all sorts of fancy implementation. For example, mapping over a list can be trivially parallelised in a language where there is a guarantee that states are not modified in place (because we can do things in any order). This is the parallelisation paradigm that is the foundation of the mapreduce programming model.

    Finally we started looking for recognisable patterns in some of the recursive functions we’ve been writing on lists. We wrote the implementation of a few “summarisation” functions that linearly recurse on the list and combine the entries in some way to produce a result.

    We then spotted a common pattern and wrote a “fold” function that abstracted this out. We’ll start there next time.

  • 2021-02-02: Annotated slides, video, code

    Following on from the end of last time, we introduce foldr and foldl and discussed how they can be seen on lists as rebuilding the structure with a new binary operator (instead of (:)) and termination element (instead of []).

    We then looked at a little bit of theory on data types, particularly sum and product types. Haskell’s datatypes are Algebraic Datatypes. I also pointed to this nice article on why sum types are nice to have.

    We then defined a few more of our own data structures including a binary tree and a rose tree (the latter is what you get if you import the Data.Tree module).

    We looked at the mapping pattern which lifts a function a -> b to a function between containers of as and bs (e.g. [a] -> [b] for lists), and noticed that the same pattern appears in mapping over lots of datatypes. To make this generic, we introduced Haskell’s Functor type class which implements a generic fmap.

    We foreshadowed, but didn’t do, an equivalent interface for “foldable” datatypes.

  • 2021-02-04: Annotated slides, video, code

    We looked at examples of containers that are not functorial. Then we looked at building Foldable instances for some datatypes. GHC can actually derive these for you (and Functor instances) if you add

    {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}

    at the top of your files. It’s useful to think about to understand what is going on though.

    We then went through some slides on lazy evaluation, and we looked at the difference between the call-by-value of eager languages and call-by-name of lazy languages (like Haskell). We just about got on to sharing of expression evaluation.

    At the end of the lecture someone asked for another explanation of the Maybe datatype, and why it might be useful. So I went through that (there’s about 5 or so minutes). There’s a brief explanation of the usefulness in the section “Sum types are general” of this post.

  • 2021-02-09: Annotated slides (lazy eval, IO), video, code

    There wasn’t actually a lot of code today. I talked a little bit about how Haskell evaluates expression graphs. Then how we might do strict (eager) evaluation with ($!). We had a question on whether GHC would optimise the difference between lazy and strict expressions, and I thought it wouldn’t. We can check this with a bit of profiling.

    module Main where
    import Data.Foldable (foldr', foldl')
    main :: IO ()
    main = do
      let xs = replicate (10^7 :: Int) (1 :: Int)
      print "Computing last"
      print $ {-# SCC last_xs #-} last xs
      print "Computing length"
      print $ {-# SCC length_xs #-} length xs
      print "lazy foldr"
      print $ {-# SCC foldr_lazy #-} foldr (+) 0 xs
      print "strict foldr'"
      print $ {-# SCC foldr_strict #-} foldr' (+) 0 xs
      print "lazy foldl"
      print $ {-# SCC foldl_lazy #-} foldl (+) 0 xs
      print "strict foldl"
      print $ {-# SCC foldl_strict #-} foldl' (+) 0 xs  

    GHC has some facility for profiling built in. So if I invoke the relevant magic incantations and run the program I get a output file that includes

          Tue Feb  9 17:55 2021 Time and Allocation Profiling Report  (Final)
         strictvslazy +RTS -P -V0.0001 -RTS
      total time  =        0.43 secs   (4302 ticks @ 100 us, 1 processor)
      total alloc = 880,079,712 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)
     COST CENTRE  MODULE SRC                       %time %alloc  ticks     bytes
     foldr_strict Main   strictvslazy.hs:14:36-50   27.8   45.5   1194 400000000
     foldr_lazy   Main   strictvslazy.hs:12:34-47   24.4    0.0   1050        16
     main.xs      Main   strictvslazy.hs:6:7-45     15.3   54.5    659 480000032
     foldl_lazy   Main   strictvslazy.hs:16:34-47   10.7    0.0    459        16
     foldl_strict Main   strictvslazy.hs:18:36-50   10.4    0.0    449        16
     length_xs    Main   strictvslazy.hs:10:33-41    7.6    0.0    329         0
     last_xs      Main   strictvslazy.hs:8:31-37     3.7    0.0    161        16

    So it seems an appropriate optimisation is being done in this case for the lazy vs. strict versions of foldl, but not for foldr (although note that the strict version churns through a lot of memory).

    For most of the rest of the session we covered input/output and the type IO a. The main takeaway here is that we have to wrap these impure “actions” up so that we don’t break purity and referential transparency in the language.

    We introduced do notation for peeking inside actions.

    I didn’t get to it, but the slides develop a simple “hangman” program that demonstrates some composition of IO actions. This is modified slightly from an example in Graham Hutton’s book and the code is available in code/lectures/hangman.hs

  • 2021-02-11: Handwritten slides, video, code

    We recapped the concept of reducible expressions with an example of an expression graph with reducible and irreducible bits.

    I talked for a while about what I thought the important and interesting concepts were that we covered through the course. I mentioned Rust again, when talking about compile-time correct APIs for communication and cryptographic protocols. If you’re interested, here’s a nice article about the typestate pattern that’s a concrete realisation of this idea. Aside: I think Rust is an excellent language to try and come to grips with if you like slightly “low-level” programming.

    I showed an example in the Lean theorem prover of proving the Functor laws for map on a list. I don’t expect you to know any Lean really, but hopefully it was interesting.

    We also talked a bit about the exam in the summer. The major change is that there won’t be any bookwork questions. I will summarise those questions from past papers that I think are relevant for looking at. The paper will have 2 questions predominantly on the Haskell part of the course (and 2 on the OO part). In each case there will be one question worth in total 30 marks, and a “short essay” question worth 20 marks. The idea is that you show some understanding of the programming aspect, and then also synthesis of concepts. I will prepare a model paper (since none of the past papers have essay questions in them) before the end of term.

    There’ll be some revision lectures at the start of Term 3, so look out for those.

    There were some questions about pointers to bigger programs in Haskell. For self-contained things, you might look at the Imperial January Haskell tests. For bigger things you might start at the Haskell wiki. One thing to note is that lots of the libraries in the wild will use more advanced features than we saw in the course (but maybe that’s helpful).

    Finally, please do fill out the anonymous feedback form if you have any comments (preferably constructive) on the course.

  • 2021-05-04: Annotated slides, video

    We briefly went over the key points from the course and discussed some of the styles of exam questions, along with a bit of logistics. We then recapped some queries from the course.

    If you have further questions during revision, do get in touch.