Checking for satisfiability #
In this exercise, we’re going to develop a very simple SAT solver.
To do so, we’ll first build data structures to represent boolean
expressions. An expression is
if there is a consistent assignment of boolean values to the variables
in the expression such that it evaluates to True
The point of this exercise is not to develop a good SAT solver. We are doing the naivest possible thing.
If you want an extension that walks you through a classic algorithm, try the 2019 Haskell test from Tony Field at Imperial.
The template file for this exercise is available as
Introduction #
We’ll use a data type to represent our expressions
data Expr
= Const Bool
| Var String
| Not Expr
| And [Expr]
| Or [Expr]
deriving Eq
We implement a custom Show
instance to pretty-print it.
The And
and Not
operators are n-ary, rather than binary. So they
behave like
by accepting a list of expressions.
Our solver will be very simple, we will just find all the free
variables in an expression and exhaustively try all possible
assignments of boolean values to these variables, checking one such
assignment results in the expression evaluating to True
Evaluating an expression #
Now we need a way of representing a binding of variables to boolean values, we will use a list of 2-tuples for this, and introduce a type to save on typing
type Bindings = [(String, Bool)]
Your first job is to write a function which, given a variable name (of type
), looks it up in a list of bindings and returns the corresponding value. You can assume that the bindings will contain no duplicate entries (we will ensure this later). So define a functionfind :: String -> Bindings -> Bool
Next we will write a function
that takes an expression, and some variable bindings, and evaluates the expression:eval :: Expr -> Bindings -> Bool
Test this function on some expressions for which you know the answer. For example:
Prelude> eval (Var "a") [("a", False)] False Prelude> eval (Or [(Var "a"), (Const True)]) [("a", False)] True
Enumerating all boolean assignments #
We are going to test all possible assignments until we have one that satisfies the expression, or else we run out of options (in which case the expression is not satisfiable). We need three things for this
- A way of extracting variables from an expression
vars :: Expr -> [String]
- A way of generating all boolean assignments for these variables. For these we will take an integer giving the number of variables and return lists of boolean values of this length:
bools :: Int -> [[Bool]]
- A function which glues these pieces together and returns a list of bindings.
bindings :: Expr -> [Bindings]
The vars function should just (similar to eval
destructure the expression and return the concatenation of all the
variable names it finds. You may find the function concatMap
useful. Do not worry about generating duplicate variable names in this
list, we will remove them separately.
For generating all boolean lists of length $n$, notice that the following simple recursive approach works. If $n = 0$ the list is empty. If $n > 0$, the list is obtained by separately prepending both True and False to the lists obtained with $n - 1$.
For constructing the list of bindings we will find all the unique variables in an expression, and zip them up with each set of boolean assignments. To build unique variables, you may find the function
uniquify :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
uniquify [] = []
uniquify (x:xs) = x : filter (/= x) (uniquify xs)
The solver #
Now we have all the pieces in place, we can write the SAT solver itself. Our goal is to write the function:
sat :: Expr -> Maybe Bindings
If the expression is satisfiable it should return the variable
assignments which result in the expression evaluating to True.
Conversely, if the expression is not satisfiable, you should return
You may find it helpful to define a helper function
sat' :: Expr -> [Bindings] -> Maybe Bindings
which iterates through the list of bindings until one of them results in the expression being satisfied.
Extension: existential and universal quantifiers #
Sometimes it is convenient to write boolean expressions using universal (for all) and existential (there exists) quantifiers.
For example an expression $$ \exists a . a \wedge b $$ read as “there exists an $a$ such that $a \wedge b$” is true if there is an assignment to $a$ such that $a \wedge b$ evaluates to true.
Similarly, an expression $$ \forall a . a \wedge b $$ read as “for all $a$, $a \wedge b$” is true if all assignments to $a$ result in $a \wedge b$ being true.
To handle this case we could modify our existing data
to add these new ones.
data Expr
= Const Bool
| Var String
| Not Expr
| And [Expr]
| Or [Expr]
| Exists String Expr
| Forall String Expr
deriving Eq
As discussed in the lectures, the disadvantage with this approach is that we need to go back and implement all of our functions to handle these new cases.
We will actually handle the quantifiers using rewrite rules. That is, we will keep our existing solver for unquantified expressions and expand out any quantification $$ \begin{aligned} \exists a . e(a) &\to e(\text{True}) \vee e(\text{False}) \\ \forall a . e(a) &\to e(\text{True}) \wedge e(\text{False}). \end{aligned} $$
We could do this eagerly, by providing functions
forall :: String -> Expr -> Expr
exists :: String -> Expr -> Expr
That construct rewritten expressions on the fly. However, this would
preclude doing clever things with the quantification. Instead we will
implement a new QuantifiedExpr
type and rewriting functionality.
data QuantifiedExpr
= Bare Expr
| Exists String QuantifiedExpr
| Forall String QuantifiedExpr
deriving Eq
Again, I don’t derive from Show
because I want a pretty-printable
version of the expressions.
Do you understand why we need aBare
constructor for the “base”Expr
we might want to hold?
To handle problems with
types, we will rewrite them into plainExpr
types. That is, we’ll writerewrite :: QuantifiedExpr -> Expr
A function to check sat of quantified expressions is then just
satQuantified :: QuantifiedExpr -> Maybe Bindings satQuantified = sat . rewrite
One approach is to write a helper
rewrite' :: QuantifiedExpr -> Bindings -> Expr
that takes a (possibly empty) list of bindings of variables to values
and attempts to substitute them in the expression. Encountering a
or Exists
should augment the list of bindings with ones for
the quantified variable.
For example
rewrite' (Forall "a" (Bare (Or [Var "a", Var "b"])) []
== (And [rewrite' (Bare (Or [Var "a", Var "b"])) [("a", False)],
rewrite' (Bare (Or [Var "a", Var "b"])) [("a", True)]])
== (And [Or [Const False, Var "b"],
Or [Const True, Var "b"]])
You may think of a better way of doing this.
I’ve added some commented solutions to these exercises. If you have queries about them please ask in the practical sessions or else get in touch.