Some classic data structures

Manipulating data types #

A binary tree #

In lectures we saw (repeatedly) a binary tree with values at nodes and empty leaves. This time, we’re going to make a tree that holds values at nodes and leaves, and then do some manipulation of it.

Our data type is

data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
  deriving (Eq, Show)

The template code/trees-exercise6.hs also defines some helper functions to construct trees of various kinds

-- Produce a "balanced" tree with the specified number of nodes
makeBalancedTree :: Int -> Tree Int
-- Take a tree and produce a new tree that is mirror-symmetric
mirrorTree :: Tree a -> Tree a

We’ll first implement some type class instances for our data type.


Implement Functor and Foldable instances for the Tree data type.

Show that your implementation of fmap obeys the two functor laws.


We’ll use these instances to implement functionality transforming trees later, so if you couldn’t figure it out, don’t forget that you can add

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}

At the top of your file and add deriving (Functor, Foldable) to the data declaration.

To help construct trees, we’ll build minimal depth trees from lists with toTree



toTree :: [a] -> Tree a

That takes a list and builds a tree of minimal depth.

You may find splitAt useful.

One thing you should check is that toList . toTree is the identity on lists.

To check that you got things right, also define

depth :: Tree -> Int

that returns the depth of a tree, defined as the length of its longest branch from the root to any leaf.

You should then find that the depth of a tree constructed with toTree grows like logBase 2 of the length of the input list.

We’ll call binary trees balanced if the number of leaves in the left and right subtrees of every Node differs by at most one (with leaves being trivially balanced).


Define a function

balanced :: Tree a -> Bool

that determines if a tree is balanced or not.

Since your datatype is Foldable you can compute its length.


What complexity does your implementation of balanced have? Does it traverse the tree only once (so linear complexity in the tree size), or does it traverse many times?

If you used length, think about how that is implemented.

If you traversed more than once, can you think of a way to define balanced that only visits each node in the tree at most once?

Think about what information you need to return at each level in the recursion so that you don’t need to go back down later to reconstruct things.

We’ll call binary trees symmetric if we can draw a vertical line through the root node such that right subtree is the mirror image of the left subtree.


Write a function

symmetric :: Tree a -> Bool

that checks if a binary tree is structurally symmetric (that is the shape is symmetric, but the values may differ).


You might find it helpful to write

mirror :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Bool

to check if two trees are the mirror image of one another.

A simple calculator #

We will now build a tiny domain-specific language for integer arithmetic expressions, and an evaluator for this language. We begin by only supporting addition:

data Expr = Val Int | Add Expr Expr
  deriving (Eq, Show)

This says that an expression is either a Val (which contains an Int) or else an Add which contains two expressions. We make the expression representing $(1 + (4 + 5))$ like so:

expr = (Add (Val 1) (Add (Val 4) (Val 5)))

First, we will write some individual recursive functions to inspect these expressions in some way. Then we will look at ways of generalising the idea using higher-order functions.



  1. Evaluation of an expression
    eval :: Expr -> Int
  2. Collecting a list of all Val nodes
    collect :: Expr -> [Val]
  3. Counting how many Val nodes there are
    size :: Expr -> Int

In writing these functions, you should see that you produce the same pattern each time. The Val node is replaced by some new value constructed from the integer inside it, and the Add node is replaced by some new value constructed from the replacement of both its internal nodes. We will encapsulate this abstraction in the function

folde :: (Int -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> Expr -> a

That is, folde eats a function Int -> a that converts Val nodes into type a, a function a -> a -> a that converts Add nodes into type a by eating both their converted children, and an Expr, returning a value of type a.

As an example, we can implement eval using this new function like so:

eval :: Expr -> Int
eval expr = folde id (+) expr

This says: “replace Val nodes with their contents, and replace Add nodes with the summation of their contents”.


Implement folde and then the functions collect and size using it.


I’ve added some commented solutions to these exercises. If you have queries about them please ask in the practical sessions or else get in touch.