Types and lists

Thinking about types #

You’ve probably noticed by now that GHC will complain if you write some code where the types don’t match. To do this, it uses type inference to determine the valid types of any functions you write, and checks that everything works. For example, suppose I have a function

allTrue :: [Bool] -> Bool
allTrue [] = True
allTrue (x:xs) = x && allTrue xs

which checks if every entry of a list of Bools is True.

This function already exists and is actually called and in the standard Prelude.

Now suppose I try and apply this function to a list of integers

Prelude> allTrue [1, 2, 3]

<interactive>:7:10: error:
    • No instance for (Num Bool) arising from the literal ‘1’
    • In the expression: 1
      In the first argument of ‘allTrue’, namely ‘[1, 2, 3]’
      In the expression: allTrue [1, 2, 3]

Here Haskell has determined that the types are wrong. It is telling me that the deduced type of the argument, which is Num a => [a] (that is, a list of numbers), does not satisfy the requirement that a is of type Bool.


Try this out for yourself.

Reasoning about the types of functions is a core part of writing Haskell. Although GHC can usually infer the type of functions, there are some circumstances where it can need a bit of help. Moreover, type annotations provide useful documentation to the reader of the code. Rather than having to read the body of a function to determine that it takes a list of pairs of Bool and Int (say), we can just see it in the type definition.

As such, you should always annotate your function definitions with their types. GHC will of course check it for you, and complain if your annotation is not valid.

Here are some definitions without types

module Snippets where

x1 = ['a', 'b', 'c']

x2 = ('a', 'b', 'c')

x3 = [(False, 0), (True, 10)]

x4 = ([False, True], [0, 1])

x5 = [tail, reverse, init]

swap (x, y) = (y, x)

pair x y = (x, y)

square x = x*x

palindrome xs = xs == reverse xs

twice f x = f (f x)


Download the file and annotate the declarations with their types.

Load it in GHC to check if you got everything right.

As well as downloading individual files, you can always clone the entire course repository, at which point the code will live in the code/ subdirectory.

Class constraints #

You probably noticed that the palindrome function required a class constraint, namely Eq. We’ll see much more on these class constraints later.

This makes sense, since to check if a list is palindromic, we need to be able to compare its entries for equality. Try applying palindrome to a list of functions.

Prelude> palindrome [(+), (-), (+)]
    • No instance for (Eq (Integer -> Integer -> Integer))
        arising from a use of ‘palindrome’
        (maybe you haven't applied a function to enough arguments?)
    • In the expression: palindrome [(+), (-), (+)]
      In an equation for ‘it’: it = palindrome [(+), (-), (+)]

Here, Haskell complains that it can’t check for equality of function types.


Is Haskell right to complain that it can’t check that functions are equal? Explain your reasoning?

Think about how you would check if two arbitrary functions (whose source you do not have) might be equal. Think about computable functions and the halting problem.

Some list manipulation #

Haskell has particularly strong builtin support for list manipulation (although there are many others too!). We’ll look at some simple exercises manipulating lists in various ways.

You can find a template file for these exercises at code/lists-exercise2.hs.


last :: [a] -> a returns the final element of a non-empty list. Write a function butlast :: [a] -> a which returns the penultimate element of a list of at least two entries.

Try it in two different ways

  1. Using existing builtin functions
  2. Recursively, using pattern matching.


Haskell implements lists as linked lists (not arrays). This means that accessing the nth element of a list has complexity $\mathcal{O}(n)$. Given this information, what is the complexity (in runtime) of your implementation?

If you want to see this in action, you can ask GHC to tell you how long each computation takes by run the command :set +s. Here’s an example

Prelude> :set +s
Prelude> xs = [1..100000000] -- Make a very long list
(0.00 secs, 67,960 bytes)
Prelude> length xs -- Compute its length
(1.77 secs, 7,200,075,832 bytes)
Prelude> xs !! 1 -- Access the second entry
(0.00 secs, 70,120 bytes)
Prelude> xs !! 10000000 -- Access an entry a tenth of the way through
(0.19 secs, 720,075,200 bytes)

To turn off this extra output, do :unset +s.


tail :: [a] -> [a] returns the tail of a list, and raise an exception when applied to the empty list, []

Prelude> tail []
*** Exception: Prelude.tail: empty list

Define a function safetail :: [a] -> [a] which maps the empty list to itself and otherwise behaves like tail, in three ways:

  1. Using a conditional expression;
  2. Using guard expressions;
  3. Using pattern matching.
In fact, Haskell has a better way of dealing with functions that are not total, using the Maybe datatype. We will see this in action later in the course.


I’ve added some commented solutions to these exercises. If you have queries about them please ask in the practical sessions or else get in touch.